Darcey Williamson
Head of Member-Led Governance

Experiencing the possibility and reality of change through relational work. I have a deep commitment to transforming the way I relate (unrooting white supremacistsit, cis-hetro patriarchal internalised ways being) and do this through intimacy.
To quote Sophie K Rose “the intimate realm can impede or facilitate political transformation”, asking what it could mean to position intimacy as a site of struggle in our movements for a future with more connection, more care, and more community/communality.
White supremacistsit, cis-hetro patriarchal internalised ways being
I am a youth worker and informal educator whose practice is informed by a radical youth work paradigm. I employ critical education methods and participatory action research, working with others to co-create projects that challenge epistemic and social injustices. I’ve worked at TAA as a Changemaker, and as the head of cyclical leadership where I designed and delivered the Changemaker Development Programme. I have recently transitioned to the Campaigns and Membership Department to co-produce (with our young people) a Member-Led Governance structure that shifts power in the organisation.
Outside of work I organise around feminist, peer-to-peer, and post capitalist alternative systems of care. I love dancing with my queer loved ones, finding magic and slowing down.